First days in tiny house are great even though a lot of things are still unfinished. We already have the house in the right place, leveled and stabilized.
We carried the water to the house in tanks, the drain was just a bucket under the sink. We used the chemical caravan toilet temporarily.
We wondered what unfinished jub to start with. Separation toilet? A wooden ladder? Terrace? The shower and its drain? Drainage and rainwater harvesting? Filtration? Electric off grid system? Or the fence we promised the landowners to do?
Since we don’t have electricity on the plot, we took the saw to my grandmother and cut everything there.
We designed the terrace so that it can be disassembled into panels, which we can fit into the van and transport easily.
So we tried it right away. Although we cut the wooden decking in Papradno, we screwed it on the spot.The job took much longer than we thought as always. When the weather was nice, we spread the panels on the road, because there was a good flat surface and worked as much as we could.
We finally bought our own cordless drill, cordless jigsaw and trimmer. All three fit the same battery that you only need to charge once in a while. 🙂
When the terrace was ready, we needed to level it with the house. Bogy did it all by himself. I have no idea how he managed to do it, since before we needed two pair of hands to lift each panel. : D
The house looks smaller and more cozy with the terrace.
start with cutting
terrace panels screwed together
After about ten changes, we finally agreed on an ordinary ladder. First we wanted a curved staircase with storage space under it. However, it looked too massive in the 3d model and the space felt therefore smaller. Then we considered a steel thin frame and wooden steps. We also thought about the mill stairs, but we didn’t like them very much and they were much harder to make.
We are mega satisfied with a simple ladder. It cost us only 20 euros and one Saturday. : D
Bathroom door
We also made a door to the bathroom. We decided to use most common construction method used in history. Somehow they fit in here. 🙂
Separation composting toilet
This type of toilet works by separating the liquid from the solids and thus prevents the formation of bacteria and odors.
Several types of composting toilet can be found on the market. From the finished beautiful ones for 900 euros to just separating inserts for 50, where you can do the rest yourself. Of course, we chose a cheaper variant and ordered only a separation insert.
Since Bogy didn’t get too involved, I designed, cut and screwed it myself. : D I used the scraps of wood from the terrace, the bathroom door and the ladder for the construction. Side siding is from the plywood and OSB scraps. We only bought a new seat and a top pine board.
As a container for solid waste, we used a bucket into which compostable waste bags are inserted (they are made of corn starch and we have them from Ševt). The liquid waste goes into the container.
We were very curious about the odours and how it would work. It works totally fine. We cover the solid waste with sawdust and it is enough to emplty the bucker once a week, sometimes even every two weeks. When the toilet seat is closed, we don´t smell anything at all 🙂
Making a hole for the toilet seat. 😀 It looks suprised. 😀
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