Tiny house quarantine

We´ve decided to share details of our tiny house life during coronavirus pandemic. What is the main difference between life before and now? How we spend our time in the small space and are we going crazy? 😀

The space is still enough for us

First of all, we still believe that the tiny house space is just enough for two. Of course, we wouldn´t complain if we have  a bigger living space :D, but we are totally fine now. The most important thing about your home is whether you feel good in it. So it’s not just about the size as it depends on so many aspects as the overall layout, the materials used, light…
We really really love those natural shades of wood.

Grocery shopping

There has been a change in our grocery shopping. We used to buy small amounds of food more frequently so we didn’t need extra storage space and our mini fridge was most of the time almost empty. Now we shop every two weeks and it has been a challenge to find  a place to store every single thing:D
Milk is at the bottom of the wardrobe, pasta in the couch, a few things can be found under the stairs … Fridge is really full now. 😀 We made it. 😀

Can we keep the tiny house tidy and clean?

Everything has to have its place in the small house.
If one thing is not where it should be it easily looks messy .
Since we are at home 24 hours a day, there is no chance to have everything stored properly. So most of the time we feel we live in a chaotic household. There are always two laptops out, a cup of coffee and tea here and there…. you have the picture. : D At least once a week it gets on my nerves and I have to tidy everything up, even though I know that it gets back to mess soon enough : D

Home office?

And what about our relationship beeing stuck in the small space together all the time? Well we are more than ok, we even found ourselves enjoying this situation. We understand each other better and it makes us almost inseparable. We enjoy no need for transportation to work.
We have three comfortable work spots that we change. : D There is table, couch and sleeping loft.
The big advantage is the terrace and garden. It´s easy to get used to drinking coffee  and having lunch on the terrace. 🙂
We use the time saved on transportaion for exercise, reading, drawing, learning and, of course, cooking.
Rainwater system The only problem, being in the tiny house all the time, we found is the water usage. With daily cooking we spend a lot more water. Not only for cooking, but also for washing. Our domestic water rain system has been adjusted to our common needs back then. We were at work most of the day, we didn’t cook every day and we often took a shower at the gym or at work. Now it’s really a huge difference.
We figured that if we had our own plot,  we would have built a well a long time ago. 🙂
We have already started the barbecue season. 🙂
Small house, small grill
Did you know you can bake a regular pia in a pan?

What has changed?

The last difference we noticed during quarantine is in the bathroom. Our composting toilet needs to be emptied / poured out much more often. From the original period of two weeks it changed to  once a week: D We don´t have a problem with it,  we only realized what a big difference it is. 🙂 So are we going crazy? Sometimes. : D Last time, for example, we made teeth from apple skins. : D Or we imagined to be in a bar and made drinks with paper straws and a piece of apple on the side. : D

We still recommend living in a house on wheels. During this unstable time, we don´t need to worry about the rent or other  housing expenses, because they are almost none. We are grateful that we have everything we need and even after a month in one space together we miss each other if one of  has to leave the house for a while. 🙂 We wish you good health and love. Together we can do it. If you like our articles or if we helped you, we will be very happy if you give us a like and follow on our Facebook, youtube and Instagram. © The publication of parts or whole articles from tinyhouseslovakia.sk resources is prohibited without the prior written consent of the authors. If you are interested in further dissemination of our text, you can contact us at tinyhouseslovakia@gmail.com