Cheap wooden windows for tiny house

In this article, we will tell you how we chose windows for a house on wheels. Whether our tiny house will have wooden, plastic or aluminum windows and whether we need double glazing or triple glazing. We will also tell you the price of the tiny windows.

Wooden, plastic or aluminum windows?

Many manufacturers of houses on wheels use plastic windows. Mainly because of the price. However, we think about our entire tiny house ecologically, and plastic windows did not fit into this concept, and aluminum windows were beyond our financial limit.

We decided for wooden windows and were determined that if we could get them second hand it would be absolutely perfect. 🙂 Second-hand wooden windows are completely easy to renovate. All you have to do is sand it and paint it with a suitable color and they are as good as new. But if you don’t have a moral problem with plastic, you have a limited budget and you are reconciled with worse quality, feel free to look at the selection of plastic windows at Mercury Market or even cheap windows at Allegro

What window sizes to choose for a tiny house?

We determined approx. size of our future windows in the software. Such a window is quite a difficult matter, and if we don’t want to exceed the maximum carrying capacity of the trailer, we have a lot to do. That’s why we didn’t overdo it with glazing, but at the same time we wanted enough windows so that cross ventilation can work well.

We knew that we would need two tiny 60×60, three narrow long ones, one larger square one, roughly one meter by one meter, and double doors. We determined the approximate dimensions and knew that we would adapt the structure to fit us exactly as we could find.

Useful hack: If you want to buy second hand windows like we do, first buy the windows, and then cut the timber for your framing 🙂

dievča pozrajúce sa von z maličkého okna v drevenej fasáde

Double glazing or triple glazing?

Whether you choose triple or double glazing for your tiny house is of course up to you. It also depends on how much you intend to insulate the house and whether it makes sense to use triple-glazed windows if you only have 10 cm of insulation in the wall.

Why we used only double glazing:

  • lighter per square meter
  • much easier to buy second hand
  • with a thermal insulation thickness of 8 cm, it makes no sense to buy triple glazing

How we bought windows and how much the windows for the tiny house cost

When we asked several companies for a price of new windows, it was always around 2,000 euros.

And so we once again looked for some second had cheap, good, used ones. We were extremely lucky, because in Zuberec they just changed the windows at the whole house and sold he old ones to us. We took a 100×90 cm window and 3 pieces of 55×120 cm. The price wasn’t bad either, even though they were, after all, the most expensive windows from our purchase. 60 euros per pc. But they are nice. 🙂

Second, we bought the door. We looked for used entrance doors in Ružomberok. It’s a shame that they were plastic and a little too big… Suddenly, in Zvolen, they were selling exactly the kind of doors we wanted. For a ridiculous 15 euros, wooden, dimensions just right. Well, don’t buy it. 😀 Sure, they have some flaws, but when we’re rich, we can replace them… Or not? 😀

inštalácia dreveného okna do tiny house

The magic of second hand buy is that you literally have to stalk what you are looking for. And when you find it you need to call and go for it as quickly as possible. 😀 I really don’t like to call with strangers, I had to ovecome my fear and call and reserve the door. Overcoming the fear of calling was worth it. The guy held them for us for a few daysand they are great. 😀

We were missing only the last two mini windows. They were just giving them away from the house in Poprad. Yes, it’s a long way to Poprad, but we just went there for the weekend with a friend. Haha. We got one for 30, the other for 5 euros. Apparently the hinges were broken they said. We unscrewed the hinges, reversed them and they work like new. 😀

Although we have windows from Orava, Zvolen and the east, they all somehow match each other. 😀 Our used, still good windows cost around 300 euros. Thanks God!

You can read about how we installed the windows and doors, but also about the fall from the ladder in our next articles 🙂

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